Become a Strategic Partner

MD-MADS welcomes opportunities to partner with other businesses, community organizations, state and local government offices, and those whose mission it is to support seniors and those who care for them.

Become an Associate Member

Are you a company who provides services or products to adult day care centers? Associate membership provides you with opportunities to network and support the adult day care centers in Maryland. As an associate member, your logo is proudly displayed on the MD-MADS website and you receive discounted opportunities for exhibits at the annual conference. Apply for associate membership  

Event Sponsors and Exhibitors

Opportunities are available throughout the year to support MD-MADS through sponsorship and exhibits at activities such as the annual conference. To be notified of upcoming events, join our mailing list 

Community Engagement Partners

Non-profit or not-for-profit organizations in the community who are working on issues facing aging and the needs of an older population, and who may have an interest in working with adult medical day care centers to further the mission of both organizations may contact MD-MADS for more information.